I am very proud of my level of hygiene before, during and after events I always use EEC approved waterbased professional paints that contain agents which act against yeast and bacteria. All my glitters are of cosmetic grade and safe to use on the face. Fresh sponges are used for every child and the water is frequently changed. I use clean utensils and wash containers, brushes and sponges thoroughly after each session.
I will not paint children under three years of age. Please understand that I am acting responsibly as the use of face paints on a very young child i.e. under three may lead to allergies in later life.
I will not paint a child with a cold sore or any other apparent skin disease, runny nose or contagious illness.
I will only face paint a child who wants to be painted.
I can paint up to ten good quality full faces per hour which is the recognized industry standard.
I have a public liability cover of £5,000,000.
Please see my terms & conditions.